ViPER+: Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Ultra-Wideband Radios for Automated Construction Safety Monitoring

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“ViPER+: Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Ultra-Wideband Radios for Automated Construction Safety Monitoring” by Alireza Ansaripour, Milad Heydariaan, Kyungki Kim, Omprakash Gnawali,Hafiz Oyediran. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - Applied Sciences (MDPI Applied Sciences 2023), January 2023. January 2023.


Pose estimation of heavy construction equipment is the key technology for real-time safety monitoring in road construction sites where heavy equipment and workers on foot collaborate in proximity. Ultra-wideband (UWB) radios hold great promise among various sensing technologies for providing accurate object localization in indoor and outdoor environments. However, in a road construction environment with heavy vehicles and equipment, the performance of UWB radios drastically declines because of blockages in the transmission signal between the transmitter and receiver causing Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) situations. To address this deficiency, our study presents a real-time pose estimating system called ViPER+ that can overcome NLOS situations and accurately determine the boundary of heavy construction equipment with multiple UWB tags attached to the surface of the equipment. To remove the impact of NLOS signals, we introduced an input correction method prior to localization to correct the input of the localization algorithm. Evaluation of ViPER+ in a real construction environment indicates that embedding NLOS detection technique in UWB-based pose estimation resulted in 40% improvements in location accuracy and 25% improvement in update rate compared to its previous implementation (ViPER).

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BibTeX entry:

AUTHOR = {Ansaripour, Alireza and Heydariaan, Milad and Kim, Kyungki and Gnawali, Omprakash and Oyediran, Hafiz},
TITLE = {ViPER+: Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Ultra-Wideband Radios for Automated Construction Safety Monitoring},
JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
VOLUME = {13},
YEAR = {2023},
NUMBER = {3},